Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sprain or Strain?

Some of the most common injuries treated by PTs are sprains and strains. Although treated similarly they are injuries to different parts of the body.

Sprain: This is an over stretching of a ligament or a joint. Ligaments hold 2 bones together forming a joint.  The joint capsule and ligaments that are the support system of a joint.  If the joint is over stretched these structures become weakened and lax.These injuries occur when a joint is taken beyond its normal range of motion like rolling an ankle or over reaching with your arm. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Deductibles in 2014

It is the beginning of 2014 and it is time to address the cost of being well -- The burdensome DEDUCTIBLES AND CO-PAYMENTS. 

This is a great post by Dr. Eric Christensen, PT, DPT. He lays out a great argument for why you should invest your healthcare dollars of your deductibles with physical therapy treatments. 

He makes the case based on:
  • Average costs compared to other medical intervention. (ours is ~$75)
  • Value received for those dollars invested
  • PT's training as the musculo-skeletal and movement professionals of choice
  • The diverse skill sets that PTs have allowing them to treat many issues.
So take a look at what he has to share and see if you don't agree. Check it out here.If we can be of assistance please let us know. Contact us at or call 401-884-9541.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Shoulder Bursitis

What is bursitis and how did you get it?

Lets start with what a bursa is.  The bursa is a fluid filled pouch that acts as a cushion between the bones of your shoulder and arm and the tendons and soft tissues that attach to them. Bursitis is an inflammation or irritation of this pouch. Bursitis is also often associated with tendonitis.